Colin Chiu
Publication / Speech
Startup Intellectual Property Portfolio Building – From a Fundraising perspective – BioMed Commercialization Center (Jan. 22)
Computer Science and IP - NTUT Engineering and Ethics Program (Dec. 19)
ITC and Trade War - SH Lungtin; DR-IP (Oct. 19)
U.S. Commercial and IP Litigation Strategy: Liu, Shen & Associates (Sep. 19)
International patent application layout and strategy - Wonda Hong New Venture Consultant Series Courses (Aug. 19)
US Patent Disputes and Countermeasures - The 11th Fujian High-tech Enterprise CEO Intellectual Property Series Special Exchange in 2019 (Jul. 19)
Interconnection between IP and Data Privacy - NTUT Data Science & AI program (Jun. 19)
Patent Practice - NCCU TIIPM (Dec. 18)
The Strategy and Response of Sino-US Intellectual Property and Contract Disputes - SH Lungtin; DR-IP; Hiways Law (Nov. 18)
Intellectual Property – what a software professional should know - NTUT CSIE (Sep. 18)
UNH Law - Japan Patent Attorney Association Joint IP Seminar in Tokyo (Sep. 18)
U.S. Patent Litigation Strategy: Federal Court & ITC - Ali (Dec. 17)
Most Recent Developments in U.S. Patent Litigation and Prosecution - OPES (Nov. 17)
2017 Shanghai-Taiwan Elite Forum: The Combination of Medicine and Law - OPES (Sep. 17)
Shanghai International Patent Business Lecture - OPES (Sep. 17)
International Developments in Laws and Regulations that may Impact the Investment in the Biotech and Pharma Sector in 2017 - OPES (Feb. 17)
Planning for 2017 – Hot IP Issues and Other Salient Legal Topics for the New Year - CNFI (Jan. 17)
The Duty of Confidentiality Shall be Preserved in Patent Prosecution to Foster a More Effective and Efficient Patent System, Vo. 1 NTUT J. of Intell. Prop. L. & Mgmt. 25 (2012)
Current Position
Partner, OPES IP Consulting Co., Ltd.
Partner, OPES Law, P.C.
Expert Instructor, National Taipei University of Technology
Adjunct Professor, Shih Hsin University
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of Patent, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
New York
Washington, D.C.
National Taiwan University, B.S. (Information Management)
Franklin Pierce Law Center, M.I.P.
Washington University in St. Louis, J.D.
Legal Specialist, Lee & Li, Attorneys-at-Law
Consultant, Wispro IP & Legal
Law Clerk, Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson, L.L.P.
Legal Assistant, Microsoft (LCA)
Senior counsel, American Megatrends Inc.